In several next posts, basic introductory information about a new hardware add-on, called HGFX, will appear. This is something that is not quite common on eight-bit computers, so-called "planar" graphics with a large number of colors. The authors took great care to ensure that this system is perfectly adapted to our ZX Spectrums, compatible with the classic attributed graphics, its memory organization. They shaped it also for game conversions. The HGFX system is a fast system suitable for our slower eight-bit CPUs. It is available both in the LnxSpectrum emulator and in two modern FPGA platforms - eLeMeNt ZX and MB03+ Ultimate. Hopefully these FPGA cores will be transfered to other modern clones soon (e.g. MEGA65). Following introductory series is of basic level. I am not a hardware-man. However, in later contributions, I will present to you more detailed examples, graphics or small videos with a short description of the functions and important properties used. ------------------------------------------ HGFX is the result of the work of two people, Lanex and LMN128, with a moral support from me and my friend Hood. I want to thank my friends for their great help with all details and explanations you will read here. I also want to thank them for the brotherhood that allowed us to tune various ZX Spectrum hardware for the 21st century. This helped to merge different approaches (clones, peripherals), western and eastern spectristic styles and manners. With the slogan: Don't exclude proven old things and moreover, combine new and good things. Please look at for an overview of developments over the past few years. Finally, I would like to thank you for support to everyone who contributed with their hands and heads, advices or other support, they simply gave this new hardware of the eLeMeNt ZX/MB family a chance: pvym, Zoom, Busy, lordcoxis, nihirash, NEO SPECTRUMAN, Tchunass, Velesoft, Martin8bity, dakidski and others + applause belongs to the esxDOS developers community, Without them our efforts would not have been successful!