*************************************************************** * List of the esxDOS dot-commads * * * * collected for the divSD and LnxEmu archive * * on the website esxdos.zxfiles.net * * * * release 24-08-01 * * typed in the Lnx Text Editor * *************************************************************** INFO ---------------------------------------------------- + dot-cmd is included in the esxDOS v089 package ! newer version, not included in the esxDOS package * usage info available (see below thuis list) ------------------------------------------------------ e eLeMeNt ZX/MB m MB03 u ZX-UNO c CF/IDE -------------------------------------------------------- Name Ver Info Description --------------------------------------------------------------- 128 + USR0 to 128 switch (needs suitable ROM) 2BROWSE app: 2-window file browser BASINFO * systeminfo and variables BROWSE app: NMI LFN file browser, viewer etc. BRWSCFG app: config for LFN file browser BRWSFONT app: font for LFN file browser CAL + display calendar CD +* change working directory CHMOD +* access permissions CLOSE equivalent of the basic CLOSE# command CMD e link: LnxCommander CORE u change ZX-Uno core CP +# copy files and directories CPU e CPU speed switch DATE + display date DFWLOAD 0.1 +* divSD/CF/IDE/MMC firmware install DIVIDEO + c play video DVO file DMAPLAYW u play WAV file on ZX-Uno DRIVES 0.2 + list drives DSKPROBE + app: disk sector viewer DT link: D-Text DUMPMEM 0.2 +* save memory to file DZX7 1.0 * LZ decompressor EAR2TAP copy from tape input to TAP file EDITOR 0.9b app: hexadecimal editor/monitor ESPRST u reset ZX-Uno Wi-Fi ESP module EXTRACT 1.1 FE link: font editor FILE 0.1 + show file type FOSSIMON app: NMI M/C monitor/debugger GRAMON + app: graphic swiss knife GSC 0.2 +* GeneralSound control HEXDUMP 0.2 + hexadecimal file viewer HEXVIEW + hexadecimal file viewer JOYCONF u ZX-Uno joystick setup KEYMAP u change ZX-Uno keyboard layout L 0.1 * load BASIC file LAUNCHER 0.3 +* make links to apps LC e link: LnxCopy LESS64 * simple text viewer for Timex LESS64S * ZX Spectrum LOAD import BASIC source from plain-ascii LOADPZX u ZX-Uno PZX tape files loader LOM link: game Lords of Midnight /SD load-save LP e link: Lnx MOD Player LS + list directory contents LSTAP 0.1 +* list attached TAP file LV e link: LnxView MBDMA m MB03 Z80-DMA on/off MBJOY m MB03 joystick on/off MBROM m MB03 CustomROM select MBSAA m MB03 SAA1099 on/off MBTMX m MB03 Timex graphics on/off MBULA m MB03 ULA+ on/off MEMDUMP 0.5 show memory MERGE add BASIC source from plain-ascii MKDIR + create directory MKTRD 0.1 + create TRD file MON (de)VAST for esxDOS MORE 0.2 +* show file MUTESAA e mute SAA sound (SAM ports only, no ZXi) MV + move or renameswitch OPEN equivalent of the basic OPEN# command PARTINFO + PLAYPT3 + play ProTracker3 tune PLAYRMOV ue play RADASTAN videos PLAYSQT + play SQ Tracker tune PLAYSTC + play SoundTracker tune PLAYTFM + play TurboSoundFM tune PLAYWAV + play WAV PLAYZXM play ZXM video in ZX graphics PLAYZXMT play ZXM video in Times graphics PLYZXM48 play ZXM video in ZX48 mode PRNCAP printer emulator RDS 0.1 *ue radastan graphics control RM 0.2 +* remove SAEXPORT app: convert from SpecAsm to TXT SAIMPORT app: convert from TXT to SpecAsm SALINK app: SpecAsm utility SAMAKE app: SpecAsm utility SAVE export BASIC program to plain-ascii SEL link: game selector SC2 MSX graphics conversion SCL2TRD 1.0 * convert TR-DOS disk images SERCP 0.8 !* serial transfer/copy SNAPLOAD 0.3x + run snapfile with parameters SPEAKCZ 0.1 + pronounce words (in Czech) SPECASM 0.1 STAT 0.1 STRINGS 0.3 + show sequence of bytes TAP2MIC play TAP file via sound output TAPEIN 0.3 + attach TAP file TAPEOUT 0.2 + detach TAP file TAR 0.4 +* PC-like tar/un-tar TE + simple text editor TED e link: LnxTEd TESTRAM RAM memory chcecker TETRIS game TFTP 0.4 m TFTP client TSMGR 0.1 task switch manager TSPLAY + TurboSound modules player UART22F e UDGED UDG editor VDISK + ZX e machine type switch ZXUNOCFG u ZX-Uno config ZXZVM text adventures player (Z-games machine) =============================================================== path - absolute: /dirname relative: dirname drive hd0 or hd1 filename name.extension {8 characters}.{3 characters} =============================================================== .BASINFO lists program and vaiables length, free RAM, RAMTOP CHARS and UDG pointers BASINFO v list variables --------------------------------------------------------------- .CD change the current working directory to a specific folder CD path CD /dirname set absolute path CD dirname set relative path --------------------------------------------------------------- .CHMOD change access permissions .CHMOD opmode filename op: + - mode: r ... read w ... write x ... execute ash ... --------------------------------------------------------------- .DFWLOAD install firmware to MAPRAM and the system uses the page 3 instead of eeprom every 8K ROM needs definition file (DFW) --------------------------------------------------------------- .DUMPMEM save memory to file .DUMPMEM [params] filename -s start (default 32768) -l len (default 512) -f force overwrite --------------------------------------------------------------- .DZX7 decompress LZ777/LZSS-packed files .DZX7 [-f] packed-file-name [output-file-name] -f overwrite (existing output file) --------------------------------------------------------------- .GSC plays Amiga tracker music .GSC command filename pause or -p continue or -c rewind or -r init or -i --------------------------------------------------------------- .LAUNCHER make dot-cmd links to TAP or BASic files .LAUNCHER command name path/filename add upd del list --------------------------------------------------------------- .LESS64 .LESS64S simple text viewer for esxDOS on Timex 2048 and compatibles less64s is for ZX Spectrum Font for hires mode has ISO8859-2 codepage. Controls: space - Page down b - Page up g - Go to begining h - Help q - Quit --------------------------------------------------------------- .L aka .BASLOAD load BASIC file (without BAS extension) .BASLOAD name example: .BASLOAD PROGRAM1 --------------------------------------------------------------- .LSTAP list attached TAP file .LSTAP [params] [filename] -i list input file -o list output file --------------------------------------------------------------- .RDS radastan graphic control .RDS [option] 1 on 0 off c clear screen g get palette s set palette save radastan palette: .RDS g SAVE *"RADA.PAL" BIN 22528,16 save the whole radastan screenis SAVE *"RADA.RAD" BIN 16384,6160 --------------------------------------------------------------- .RM remove files and directories .RM [options] path/filename -f ignore nonexistent files and arguments never prompt -i prompt before every removal -r rm directories and their contents recursively -d remove empty direcotries -v explain what is being done --------------------------------------------------------------- .SCL2TRD convert SCL files to short (cutted) or full TRD diskimages .SCL2TRD -f filename ... makes full image